Friday, June 18, 2010

WIP Native Steampunk California

You know the drill non-existent readers, it's another WIP update. To avoid confusion, I'll call the one I'm working on Native Steampunk California, since the design of the whole thing is based on California regalia and basketry, and numbers suck. So, Native Steampunk California it is!
Anyway, as I said in my last WIP post, I painted the window edge for hours, but had to redo the whole thing over again (sad), but it's looking pretty good even though it doesn't look like it did the first time I painted the window edge (double sad). Here it is:I changed the window scene from being day to night since I figured that daylight would give the scene an entirely different look than what it is right now. Hopefully I can figure how to do a reflective thing in the windows to make them more window-y. Guess I'll have to check for tutorials (helloooo deviantArt). The clouds are pretty interesting, the look more like clouds in a smaller picture though. When you look at them more closely the look more like a bunch of random brush strokes. But maybe that won't be as noticeable once I add in window-looking stuff.

Another note, I'm working on my own regalia to wear to powwows. Right now I've been sewing a pair of moccasins, and let me tell you, it's such a pain in the ass trying to sew when it comes to leather because it's so damn thick it's hard to push the needle through one piece of hide, much less three that I have to do for moccasins. I'll post pics of my progress when I'm not feeling lazy about it and when I don't have nosy nieces to worry about. So look forward to that.


  1. my favorite hipsters make their own regalia too, except its the mindless colonial kind:

    and over the next ten or so years i have left on this earth, we should work on a native steampunk clothing collection

  2. Aww, racialicious, tis awesome, but I go to Native Appropriations for my hipsters-making-regalia news And we should totally make a Native steampunk clothing line.
