Monday, December 27, 2010

Post Lost and Redone, or Some More Crap You Probably Don't Care to See

I lost a post! I could have sworn I made a post showing the end result of the Native Steampunk California and some pics of the new Native Steampunk picture I was creating, but maybe I’ve dreamt of posting it and thought it’d had happened, that happens to me sometimes.
Anyway here’s a final picture of the Native Steampunk California:

Pretty ain’t it? Well maybe not, since the picture has been on Deviantart for a while and no one has favorited it yet, buttheads.

Anyway, I’ve already started on a new Native Steampunk, again from the Northwest California/Southwest Coastal area. I was somehow cognizant enough to make jpgs of the outline and raw outline when I first started, and here they are:

The blue outline does have some of it erased because I accidentally started painting on it at some point.
Anyway, you probably want to see what it looks now and what it looked like when I first started the project, so here are more pics:

The picture is turning out a little bit more dark and gloomier than I originally intended, but that's okay because this place is always foggy and gloomy though I still find it a nice and pretty place to be. End note: Even now the picture looks a lot different since I fixed the eyes so they're not so far apart and fixed the hat so it looks like where it's supposed to be on her head.

Next time though I will tell you the real reason why I wanted to write today but didn’t because of the lost post. Laters.